composting trial: November 15-17

The Sustainable Foods Committee is holding a composting trial Tuesday 15 November – Thursday 17 November at all meals in both Erdman and Haffner. If you have questions or want to help, check out the Facebook page.

Why compost? Currently, all Bryn Mawr College trash is incinerated, releasing carbon dioxide and other chemicals into the atmosphere. Composting can help reduce our carbon footprint.

Will it smell? Due to the methods of composting, it will never smell worse than the dumpsters already on campus.

What can I compost? All food, including meat and dairy. Napkins, but not plastic or wrappers.

How can I help? We need plenty of help supervising the separation of compostable waste from other materials during our trials. If you’re interested or have questions, contact

Minutes 2011 October 26: composting

Minutes from our meeting on COMPOSTING.

Climate Changed Symposium: Come join us! Let us know by email, we will be reimbursing you in a few days and we are renting out a Van at 530, we will be paying for you and there are great speakers. On actions to take to avoid our changing climate. November 9th

YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip. Very fun film! Will be screened November 10th. We have our own copy. Thomas 110, 8PM (Butler dinner will be over by then, so you can do both in one night, if you are not planning to stalk her after dinner)

Anti-Fraction Meeting of Delaware: November 21st, it is a Monday because they are trying to prevent people from joining. If you are interested, let us know so we can talk about it.

Sustainability Director. We want one. Sustainability committee will be having some solid plans, and we have insiders in it. So next week, we will try to start working on it because Bi-Co directors does not look willing to hire someone for the position. We do care about sustainability. So next week we are breaking up into groups and we will be writing letters to send out.

COMPOSTING BRAINSTORMING (DO NOT hesitate to send out your ideas via e-mail)

-The cost for on and of campus composting, looking into the garden as a bigger source.

-We will be doing a 3day compost trial-run in November, we need volunteers to tell people what to compost what not, and give us feedback about the response of the people (it will weekdays) and also to get a feel of how composting would be, how it would work out.

– Short, non-aggressive survey sent out to school (online) –the questions are not determined yet, but it is about the ”how”s of composting. What did you think about it/how

-need signs to inform people, to let them know that it will not smell, how it is good and helpful// and we don’t want it to be as if it is imposed on people against their will

-start teaching about what and how to compost beforehand so they don’t have anxiety over what to do.

-what are the most important things to put on the composting info rmational sheet?
-a contact to ask question

-recycling heads can hosts events in dorms?
-How to get people to be more willing to compost on their own
-it is all about breaking the habit! (maybe we should do sth in customs week)
-“Celebrity” faculty members should support/mention in class
-Training professors to implement green policy/composting
-work with the township. maybe people can bring in their food-waste for composting, and maybe pay a fee? Maybe we can use that fee?

Minutes 2011 September 28

We will not have a meeting Wednesday, October 5.

Upcoming Events:
-Tree tour meeting by the landscaping committee (on campus) 12:30-2:00pm Dorothy Vernon Room  (Haffner) Thursday 9/29
-Philly Marathon — “Volnteer Waste Watching” November 19-20th, if you are interested go to and click on “become waste watcher volunteer”

-Greens Halloween Party idea discussion –> EMAIL US YOUR IDEAS

–Composting resolution PASSED; our next meeting will be a brainstorming, and we will be pushing McAuliffe to make it happen (since it passed, we have more power)

Fracking –> October 21st, if you are inspired to do sty let us know! We’ll give you numbers and email addresses to sent protesting emails to. Phone number to call/flood: 609-883-9500
Also there will be a group of Bryn Mawr students going to protest (Earth Justice Leage!)

Informatory Fracking Video: Gasland trailer

Documentary Voting -> We want to screen it, when would you be available to help/come help? After midterms before 21st
-We’ll e-mail and let you know, but that might be at our meeting on the 19th (BRING AS MANY PPL AS YOU CAN)
we can chalk to let ppl know

Sustainability Debriefing:
The most powerful tool we have is the student body, we need to push to hire somebody for this position. Student involvement is necessary, voicing our opinion.
Faculty might risk their position, pushing for a sustainability manager position, but we students can play the bad cops.

We can even have a Facebook petition. We don’t have to wait till the next plenary, but if we need to, we can even do that. Let’s get our brains storming!

Minutes 2011 September 21

Plenary! Come to plenary, we will be having a resolution on COMPOSTING (Karen actually) so come and support! We(bring homework, do HW at plenary… Just show up)

Appointments Committee applications due Friday 23rd –> Apply for sustainable food committee position! The sustainable dinner at Haffner was great, we need more, Greens is supporting it.

Re-Cycling committee Co-Head is also another position you can apply to, applications are on BlabkBoard.


We screened our budget, just to let y’all have an idea about our limits.

We watched the story of cap & trade ! (watch it, it is very good!)

IMPORTANT: Flood the phones tomorrow to protest Delaware River Basin, say who you are why are you calling, and say you are calling with anti-fracking–the deal is they will pour gallons and gallons of water down he drain with chemicals, which will release he gas hidden in the rock (which is the river bed) so water might catch on fire, the chemicals will disrupt the nature because those chemicals are impossible to remove

SO CALL 609-883-9500

We let people who were interested in to look at the Climate Action Plan JMac actually signed.

We decided on who will be joining the Sustainability committee meetings on Wednesdays
Johanna CordonHill
Anna Saregant
Cristina Munoz
(the ones who can go on Wed)

Liz LeMay
Anna Marinan
Maria McGurrin

We will focus on:
Take Out
Bike Share
Clothing Swap

Potential Campaign:

Bike Share –> Separate Committee should be formed, we would support that, financially, people-wise.

Composting+Fracking will be our main focus.

We have many peeps from the recycling committee, so they should bring up the styrofoam take out issue! And we’ll help.

Next meeting: Fracking, Composting AND Dance!

Apply to the food committee and recycling co-head! You really should!

Minutes 2011 September 14

-BMCGreens History
-YERT film was screened
we are planning to get this film screened this semester, at school.

-Our Plans and Ideas for this semester:

*Green Halloween

*Foods thrown out at the dining halls, we should try to do something to reduce our wasting of food.
Putting out less food, so the leftover can be re-served

*COMPOSTING (we are serious about this)
Haverford is in a diff township, so different rules apply for compost but the Bi-Co dining halls is a conjoint.

*Styrofoam takeout boxes
–> Biodegradable ones could replace them?
–> promotion of the use of Tupperware.
–>Limiting the amount of takeouts you can take per semester
–>Giving incoming class container
–>library book method

By the way: Battenhouse is the Environmental House on campus, they have delicious meals, for 6.15, very cool place to go!

*Paper napkins
–>Recycled paper napkins (?)

*Automatic flush toilets = water waste
automatic sinks instead?
what can be done about this?

*windows for heat insulation

*Lightbulb auditing (count, type)

*Bike Share –> BiCo Bike share, was going on last year, need to communicate with Melanie

*clothing swap?

*Coordinating a E-forum, on general education on env issues

*Organic, US made environmentally friendly friendly BMC shirts options at the bookstore

++ We want to do a field trip this semester

*We will be choosing people who are interested in joining sustainability community of bico

*We will choose a webmistress, and a photographer

Also take a look at: EARTH JUSTICE LEAGUE Dalton 212A = non violent direct action, activism, meets 9-10 Wednesday nights