Minutes 2011 October 26: composting

Minutes from our meeting on COMPOSTING.

Climate Changed Symposium: Come join us! Let us know by email, we will be reimbursing you in a few days and we are renting out a Van at 530, we will be paying for you and there are great speakers. On actions to take to avoid our changing climate. November 9th

YERT: Your Environmental Road Trip. Very fun film! Will be screened November 10th. We have our own copy. Thomas 110, 8PM (Butler dinner will be over by then, so you can do both in one night, if you are not planning to stalk her after dinner)

Anti-Fraction Meeting of Delaware: November 21st, it is a Monday because they are trying to prevent people from joining. If you are interested, let us know so we can talk about it.

Sustainability Director. We want one. Sustainability committee will be having some solid plans, and we have insiders in it. So next week, we will try to start working on it because Bi-Co directors does not look willing to hire someone for the position. We do care about sustainability. So next week we are breaking up into groups and we will be writing letters to send out.

COMPOSTING BRAINSTORMING (DO NOT hesitate to send out your ideas via e-mail)

-The cost for on and of campus composting, looking into the garden as a bigger source.

-We will be doing a 3day compost trial-run in November, we need volunteers to tell people what to compost what not, and give us feedback about the response of the people (it will weekdays) and also to get a feel of how composting would be, how it would work out.

– Short, non-aggressive survey sent out to school (online) –the questions are not determined yet, but it is about the ”how”s of composting. What did you think about it/how

-need signs to inform people, to let them know that it will not smell, how it is good and helpful// and we don’t want it to be as if it is imposed on people against their will

-start teaching about what and how to compost beforehand so they don’t have anxiety over what to do.

-what are the most important things to put on the composting info rmational sheet?
-a contact to ask question

-recycling heads can hosts events in dorms?
-How to get people to be more willing to compost on their own
-it is all about breaking the habit! (maybe we should do sth in customs week)
-“Celebrity” faculty members should support/mention in class
-Training professors to implement green policy/composting
-work with the township. maybe people can bring in their food-waste for composting, and maybe pay a fee? Maybe we can use that fee?

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