first meeting Jan. 25

Welcome back! Our first meeting of the spring semester will be Wednesday, January 25 at 8 pm in Taylor C.

We’ll be planning the semester and discussing upcoming events as well as electing a secretary and a publicity chair for this semester. If you’re interested in either position, come to the meeting prepared to very […]

garden workday Friday Dec 9!

Join us at 10 am this Friday, December 9, for a garden workday. We’ll be doing some very light work–come enjoy the garden!

composting trial: November 15-17

The Sustainable Foods Committee is holding a composting trial Tuesday 15 November – Thursday 17 November at all meals in both Erdman and Haffner. If you have questions or want to help, check out the Facebook page.

Why compost? Currently, all Bryn Mawr College trash is incinerated, releasing carbon dioxide and other chemicals into the […]