Minutes 2012 September 19

  1. We started our meeting off by introducing ourselves and answering if we would rather go to Australia or Mars!
  2. Michaela (’15 and Greens President!!) talked about what Greens is and what we do as a club on campus:
    1. We work to promote green sustainability around campus
    2. We work with other green groups around campus, such as the Garden group, Bike Co-op, etc
    3. We also work with administrative peoples (facilities, grounds, academic departments, President’s office, etc)
  3. Karen (’14 and Greens Vice President!!) talked about what we have done this past year:
    1. We screened the movie “GasLand” about fracking
    2. We held composting trials in the dining halls
    3. Some of us attended a Climate Change Conference in Philadelphia
    4. We helped host a couple events during Food Week in spring semester including screening the documentary “What’s Organic About Organic?” with the filmmaker Shelly Rogers
    5. We held an Earth Day event which included weeding and planting in the garden
    6. The Garden has expanded and now there is a part-time paid position to help organize and run the garden. There will also be a summer part-time job so look out for that if you’re interested!
  4. Sofia (’15 and Greens Treasurer!) opened up ideas about plans for this semester
    1. E-Forum: Host a campus-wide event around environmentalism, eco-friendly behavior and attitudes, and green sustainability around campus
      1. Have it be more of a conversation and not just a Q and A session
      2. Partner with the senior environmental studies seminar
    2. Tri-Co Green Event!
      1. Invite Haverford and Swat green groups to Bryn Mawr to discuss what groups are doing and networking to create a greener community
    3. Bike Co-Op! (The bike co-op formed at the end of last semester)
      1. The heads of the bike co-op is trying to bring a mechanic to campus to host a workshop to teach people how to fix bikes
    4. Eliminate Styrofoam take out entirely!
      1. Compostable take-out? Reusable take out?
      2. Last year, Karen and Lee (both ’14) worked on a project looking into the options for eliminating Styrofoam take out and at this time, Styrofoam seems to be the best option given all of the factors BUT Dining Services is open to suggestions and conversations about different take-out options!!
    5. Look into Wyndham about composting because they don’t seem to be doing that unlike Haffner and Erdman

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